You can sponsor me today here:-
Let's make as much as we can for Clic Sargent.

Friday, 9 December 2011

Reminder of the Readathon 4th Feb!

It's not for a few months yet, but its time to start organising yourself for the date and getting signed up on the virgin giving page. My page:



Starting at 9.30am

Get yourself cosy, a pile of books organised, snacks sorted and sit back and relax ready to read for anything up to 12 hours in the Great 12 hour readathon!

£5 registration fee – Register online or email Dannie for further details.

you can get friends and family to sponsor you too, for however long you choose to read! Payments to be made via

Prizes to be won along the way, from books to book tokens and signed books.

You can keep up to date on all the goings on on the day at the blog, including further details about the challenge.

Part of Dannie's fundraising plans for Clic Sargent Thailand trek

CLIC Sargent registered charity number England 1107328

Get the date booked in your diary guys and if you want to, you can get fundraising and get people to sponsor you. Just contact me for a sponsor form.

Tombola at Clic Sargent Southampton

Tomorrow is the day of the tombola at Clic Sargent charity shop in Southampton. The staff there have been great and so helpful, am sure the event will go well:0)

Prizes have been sourced and everything prepared so that tomorrow will go well and we will hopefully raise plenty of money for Clic Sargent.

Also tomorrow i will be raffling off a 40minute hot stone massage gift voucher. It will be nice to use my massage skills and put them to use for the charity and fundraise at the same time.

I will post pictures of the event tomorrow, including totals of how much we manage to raise.

Next Thursday will be guess the name of the penguin at the local pre school. Thanks to All Saints pre school in Winchester who are letting me hold the event at their pre school. It's at time like these that were grateful for the generosity of others.

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Great staff at Clic Sargent charity shop

Today i received a call from the manager at the Clic Sargent store in Southampton. They had received my letter and were getting back to me about doing a tombola at their store. They were so helpful and kind and are happy for me to come and do a tombola at the store in December, which is great as it should be hitting the Christmas shoppers. It's also another wonderful way to raise funds for my charity trek. Also i will get a chance to chat to the staff and fundraising team, who may also be able to promote my 12 hour readathon for me and in doing so, raise lots for the charity.

It's great news and will be nice to chat to others who are really interested in the charity. It will also be great as doing the tombola should help me getting ever closer to my half way target of just over £1000.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Car boot sale fundraising success

Last Sunday i did a car boot sale at the local car boot and managed to raise £26 for the charity, taking my current total up to £843. Although not a huge success, every penny helps and the generosity of people was really heart warming.

I have sent a letter off to Clic Sargent charity shop in Southampton in the hope that they may let me do a tombola at their store. I have all the prizes already gathered so just need a venue to do it at.

A local pre school are happy to let me do a guess the name of the reindeer at their centre nearer Christmas time, which is great and should hopefully raise £40 for the charity.

Plans for the readathon are going well and i just need people to start signing up for it now!

Am also hoping to have another sponsored walk around May time next year and to also host a charity music event.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

The readathon is coming!

It's not for a few months yet, but its time to start organising yourself for the date and getting signed up on the virgin giving page. My page:



Starting at 9.30am

Get yourself cosy, a pile of books organised, snacks sorted and sit back and relax ready to read for anything up to 12 hours in the Great 12 hour readathon!

£5 registration fee – Register online or email Dannie for further details.

you can get friends and family to sponsor you too, for however long you choose to read! Payments to be made via

Prizes to be won along the way, from books to book tokens and signed books.

You can keep up to date on all the goings on on the day at the blog, including further details about the challenge.

Part of Dannie's fundraising plans for Clic Sargent Thailand trek

CLIC Sargent registered charity number England 1107328

Get the date booked in your diary guys and if you want to, you can get fundraising and get people to sponsor you. Just contact me for a sponsor form.

Sponsored Walk - Final total!

Thanks to my two wonderful friends, between us, we were able to fundraise £181 for Clic Sargent Thailand Trek. I am so pleased with my friends and grateful for their participation in the fundraing challenge.

The £181 we made, takes the total to £797.

There are a variety of different events to be held over the next six months. I am contacting a Clic Sargent charity shop to see if i can host a tomobola at their store and i hope to do a car boot sale in the next few weeks. Also a guess the reindeer at the local pre school on their Christmas play day. It would be nice to do something else before Christmas, but am not sure what, or if i can arrange anything, so any suggestions are welcome!

Next year i have plans for a Chinese new year party at my house where i will be asking for a suggested donation of £5.

Sunday, 4 September 2011

A wet and soggy sponsored walk!

The sponsored walk got off to a rather wet and soggy start, with the shower turning in to full on rain which didn't stop for about two hours and by that point we were all completely soaked through. However we all managed to stay enthusiastic!

The good thing about the rain was that it made it feel like more of a challenge as we dogged puddles and stinging nettles! Our shoes lasted about an hour and then the rain began to seep in and we spent the rest of the time squelching along! We were completely drenched and even when the sun eventually came out we were still very wet.

Thanks to the powers of my friends amazing talking voice! We were able to raise a further £14 from passers by who kindly donated to us, including one guy who donated £5 to us, which was so very kind of him. I think we did very well with how much we raised along the way, especially as we didn't see that many people as it was just so wet!

Four hours later, lots of rain and then sun as we crossed our finish line. There was lots of fun along the way including over protective swans, over zealious dogs and very wet people, but we did it and raised over £100 for charity. I will update with how much we have raised for the charity once my friends have given in their sponsorship amounts. However, we managed to raise a nice amount for charity and get fit along the way! I have to say, my body felt completely fine doing the 7.5mile walk and could have kept on walking longer, obviously fitter than i thought!

Wednesday, 24 August 2011


Plans are well under way for the sponsored walk, with less than two weeks to go now!  There are three of us taking part in the walk and all raising sponsor money for Clic Sargent children's cancer charity, although we may have one or two extra people joining in as well.  I have raised £55 sponsorship for the walk so far and my friends are busy raising their sponsorship, so we are hoping to raise plenty for the charity.

We will be walking from Bishopstoke in Hampshire to Winchester, which is 7.5miles away.  We will be walking come rain or shine, so lets hope the sun is shining.  We will start walking at 10am and see how long it takes us!  It's a lovely route along the canal and hopefully we may meet some others happy to support us along the way.

I have t shirts for all those taking part so that we can highlight the cause further.

We hope to raise at least £150 from the walk, although if we can exceed this that would be great.

Fundraising can be hard, but when friends are willing to take part and help raise money for the fundraising total, it makes it a lot easier and reminds you of what is important in life.

Clic Sargent charity plans

Plans are well under way for my Clic Sargent fundraising goal and i have currently fundraised £583.  My goal is £2012 as a result of doing the Thailand trek in 2012.  I have managed to raise most of the money through selling things on ebay and doing some small little fundraising things.  The dress makers dummy sold well, as did a bunch of puppets and a keyboard.  You can see the sales here, as well as being able to sponsor me! Sowden/showFundraiserProfilePage.action?userUrl=dannieadventure

Over the next few weeks i plan to list more things on ebay, with an ironing chair to sell, which should earn around £25 for the charity.  I am also busy going through all belongings to sort out my stuff and have more stuff to sell for Clic Sargent.  I have a willow tree figurine and will be listing that on ebay, which should hopefully make at least £5 for the charity.  I would like to do a car boot at some point, but have just been incredibly busy so haven't had an opportunity yet.

So, over the next month i plan to sell as much as possible for charity and contact companies regarding raffle and tomobola prizes.  I also have my sponsored walk on 4th September!

Sunday, 19 June 2011

As one door closes, new ones open!

So, as some of the doors close, such as the firewalking and the cake stall in the town centre, i have had to think of new ways of fundraising for the charity and have begun looking at an array of ways to raise funds.

I have decided upon a sponsored walk and have two friends defintely up for doing it with me and am off to ask a few more people to see if they are interested in joining us too.  I'm just waiting to hear back from one of my friends as to when she is free.  I'm hoping that i can get a group of seven of us together, obviously more would be great, but within reason as i can't have marshals or anything like that, its just going to be a leisurely walk.  I've been quite focused on it though and have decided upon my route.  I'm planning for us to walk from Bishopstoke to Winchester with hopefully a break along the way and hopefully i can convince the manager of the pub to give the group a free round of drinks when we get half way.  Also when we get to Winchester, there is a pub right where our finishing point is, so i am hoping that we can also ask them for a free round of drinks!  No harm in asking and it will be good publicity for them.  I am looking at offering each person a free foot massage at the end for taking part and will be roping in my parter to giving the group of ladies (who hopefully will be joining us) a lift home.  So, i just need to sort out dates for that and then will ask the ladies if they will join us too.

I have also decided on a way of fundraising for Clic Sargent that will encourage my friends from all over the coutry to take part too.  Quite a few of my far flung friends are book lovers and i have decided that maybe in February i will have a 24hour readathon! Although after some discussion with my friend i may change this to 12 hours instead. But you pay £5 to register and then can gain sponsorship on top of that.  I will post more on this nearer the time so that everyone can get registering and joining in with the challenge!

So, am hoping that with things like that i can raise the £2012 for the charity and possibly even more!  I will also be speaking to a friend who last year hosted a charity music event for me and will be seeing if he will host another one for me for this challenge.  It was a great success earlier this year and i anticipate it will be again.

A month passes!

So a month has passed since i last posted on here, with regards to my plans to raise the sponsorship money for Clic Sargent.  If i am honest, i'm finding it harder thani anticipated, plans for cake stalls in the town centre have fallen flat on their face, as i can't get the liability insurance to cover me and its just not worth it.  I feel like i create plans and then hit another hurdle, which hurts a little.

I have been making progress though and so far have raised £72 for the challenge and have paid it in on my virgin page.
I'm pleased about this as its the first amount in the plan to raise £2012 for the charity.  I did this by selling several of the items i said i would do, such as the play therapy book and massage tunic, plus receiving £50 in sponsorship money from my family.  Today i have listed the dressmakers dummy on ebay and hope to get a good price for that.  I still have a couple more things to list on there that should help to get the total up for me.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Charity plans

I heard back from the council today with regards to having a cake stall in the town centre. Its kind of ok news! They are able to give that space to charities and so i have been given a number to call, although it is pretty busy for the next few months, but i may be able to get a space. However the lovely council, charges £35 for renting that space! So, i have an initial £35 outlay in order to hire the space and then need public liability insurance, although will speak to my charity about this.

I suppose the council have to make money, but still think its a bit tight! However i do think a cake stall will definitely be worth it and you have access of the whole space, so it may be worth having something else there. You can't do a raffle there, but don't know if that applies to a tombola too? So, am going to phone possibly tomorrow and see if i can sort out a date or two. I know one of my clients offered to make some cakes for me, i also have friends who are good at baking who i know would help me out with some cakes and buns. I think it would be better to have buns and cookies so that people can buy one or two. Also, cans of drinks during the summer when its hot and my client recommended having tea and coffee available to them, but not sure how feasible this is. However i am fairly happy about having a cake stall, so think i will go ahead and book this, so i have the date in the diary.

I am also hoping to start doing some work with the Uni in September onwards, my friend previously worked there and ran a cake stall there and am hoping that once i have been there for a while i may be able to convince them to let me run a cake stall there, or could even approact the student union in order to do it.

I feel like there are a few things that i have been dissapointed about in relation to my charity stuff, such as the firewalking, which claim to be doing things for the charity but charge extorianate rate and even charge you over £200 to take the waste coal away at the end. I would have liked to have done the firewalking but am thinking this won't work. I will look in to other fundraisers that i can do. I have thought about running a Christmas fete but would just need to many volunteers to help me for that. I have thought of a Christmas party, so having a band play and have food and drinks again. I would look at marketing it better this time and even try and get some radio coverage, but am still not sure on this one yet.

So, what have i been doing?! ..................I have emailed charity challenge as i have only just found out that if i book a second trek with them i get £100, but only if i use a special code. I didn't use the code, but decided to email the charity to see if there was any way of applying the code now, if you don't try you don't get! Figured it was worth giving it a go and as i expalined to them, the money would go to the charity anyway, as their the ones who deserve it.

I have put a couple of books on amazon, which should make me about £17 once sold. I have some bits to stick on ebay, but have the problem of delivery, as i'm not around for them to collect the parcel. So, am thinking i might put these off until mid june, when i am likely to be around more. I will get the beauty tunic on there though within the next week and the game boy package thingamy bob!

I will start looking in to other possible fundraising ideas
I will write a list of businesses to approach in order to get some prizes together that i can auction off

Revised plans

May/june – Sell stuff on ebay - £50
*game boy thing, * dummy, *camp bed, red tunic
-Sell stuff on amazon – play therapy book, itchen way book
- Bank money from family - £55
- Car boot (get a tshirt and balloons etc) - £30
July – Cake sale – Winch - £100
Aug – Begin collecting things for tombola
Sept – Start auctioning off things from companies given - £100 (£400)
Oct - 1st Oct – – cake sale/poss combine with tombola? £150
Nov – End Nov – Bag packing £75
Dec – Charity fete or charity party £100
- Guess reindeer name at All Saints - £40
Feb - Car boot - £30
Chinese new year party - £20
Mar – Charity event - £200
- Cake sale at Uni - £100
Apr – Hoping to be able to collect my money from the car boot - £500
- Get kayakers involved! - £200
May - Get people sponsoring me (Approach new clients) - £50
June – Sponsored walk! Get friends involved and raising sponsorship - £60
July – Something at All Saints fete - £40

Thailand For Clic Sargent

Welcome to my blog!  Thanks for reading this.

In July 2012 i am about to embark on a second trek for Clic Sargent, by facing some of my phobias of creepy crawlies and spiders and am off treking in the Thailand jungle.  After embarking on a self funded trip to China on behalf of Clic Sargent and hearing about the wonderful and supportive work that Clic Sargent do.  The guidance they provide families when they have experienced devastating and terminal news, the way they enable children and young adults dreams to come true, from attending favourite concerts to having wishes fulfilled. 

Clic Sargent do so much for children and young people with cancer, support that is vital during such emontionally difficult times.  To imagine children with cancer is devastating, but to imagine children who have only just learnt to walk or talk, having to experience this trully awful disease is just heartbreaking and thats why i want to raise money for Clic Sargent.  If that money can be used to help extend lives or provide vital treatment, enable people to have their last dreams fulfilled, then its all been worthwhile.

If you would like to sponsor me, you can do so here on